ABA Billing made easy with AlohaABA Practice management software
Regardless of whether you are a small, mid-sized, or enterprise ABA business or other behavioral health practice, AlohaABA has a billing solution for you. Our built-in billing system can help keep your revenue cycle management under control and optimized. With our automated features, you will be able to make your billing process both efficient AND effective.
In this article you’ll find details about how our ABA practice management software's billing features can make your life easier by discussing:
Making your billing process more efficient
Using AlohaABA to make your billing process more effective
AlohaABA’s billing services
Every ABA agency or business has to deal with insurance billing and it can be such a tedious part of the role. Allow AlohaABA to take a lot of the day-to-day frustrations out of the billing process by automating the process to make it not only more efficient but effective so you can keep a tight revenue cycle.
We created AlohaABA to help you serve your clients better. We want to take the headache out of tedious yet essential business tasks like billing so you have more time on your hands to work with clients and support your staff.
First of all, our Accounts Receivable and Claims tracking features are integrated. The functioning of the billing features is very user-friendly and has been confirmed by our clients!
"It's hard to imagine life without Aloha and my biggest regret is not utilizing this earlier in my business. The ease of billing, AR, payroll, and scheduling is second only to the constant support from Aloha's staff. A must-have for any business in the therapeutic services industry."
Noga - Business owner
Everything is automated so don’t need to be using Excel spreadsheets anymore or have to remember billing codes. From the beginning of the billing process, authorizations are automatically tracked. You will receive warnings for authorizations that are coming due and about to expire.
This simplifies your billing process by having it completely automated. When an RBT or BCBA signs off on a session being completed, it will automatically show up in the Billing dashboard. Here as an administrator, you approve the CMS 1500 claim forms that have been generated from the completed session.
Other automation to reduce effort and time spent on managing billing include notifications of expiring authorizations, catching errors in claims before they are sent, and automatically generating PDF invoices for clients paying out-of-pocket.
Using AlohaABA’s software to make your billing more effective
Using AlohaABA’s software to make your billing more effective
We’ve discussed the features of how AlohaABA’s billing software can make your process more efficient but what about reducing errors and increasing the number of accepted claims? No problem! Our software is designed to catch errors. The system won’t allow you to send a claim if there is a validation error of any kind. This allows you to eliminate lost revenue and save time.
AlohaABA’s billing system is so intuitive that you and your staff will find it really easy to get started. Using our billing software alongside the business insights dashboard will allow you to optimize your revenue cycle. We have designed our interface to have functions similar to other software that folks use on an everyday basis. If you’re used to using common web-based search, calendar, form, and document services, then you will find AlohaABA really easy to use.
“Aloha ABA product has an exceptional dashboard to monitor daily activities and it's very helpful to get insightful data from the generated reports. I'm really enjoying their service. Thanks to the AlohaABA team”
-Gary Brown-
Direct Integration with the clearinghouse
Direct Integration with the clearinghouse
Some software requires you to send your claims to the clearinghouse yourself. AlohaABA removes this step for you by being directly integrated with Office Ally, one of the largest and most common clearinghouses in the US. We may also have additional clearinghouse integrations in the future. We do not charge an additional fee for Office Ally integration, like some other software companies. Sending a claim to the clearinghouse is as simple as the click of a button.
How AlohaABA’s add-on billing services can give you hours
of time back.
How AlohaABA’s add-on billing services can give you hours
of time back.Especially for ABA businesses billing in the $50k-$200k monthly range, our add-on billing services could be really useful for you. At this point, you are likely finding it unmanageable to bill on your own, but not big enough to justify an in-house biller. At an industry-standard rate of 5% of receivables, you are signing on for our team to:
Take care of all billing from start to finish
Follow up with the insurance company when needed (i.e., save you hours on the phone!)
Achieve at least a 95% collections rate within 2 months
Maintain at least a 98% acceptance rate on insurance claims
Provide you with exceptional customer service
For smaller businesses, AlohaABA business insights on the dashboard can help you tighten your revenue stream, grow your business and get to this point. Larger companies may have an in-house biller but still benefit from using our billing software.
The Bottom Line
With AlohaABA’s billing software and/or add-on billing services you are able to tighten up your revenue cycle management and get time back in your life, not to mention fewer hassles with insurance companies! We continue to iterate and take feedback from our clients to improve these functions. Book a demo today and check out all these features for yourself.
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